Board of Directors
Thank you to our board members
• Wendi Partusch- President/Chair
• Shannon R Basner-Vice-Chair/Treasurer/Director
• Linda Lewis-Secretary/Director
• Nancy Podgorski-Director
• Ed Podgorski-Director

Wendi Partusch
Originally from Denver, Colorado I have spent the past 39 years living in Alaska. I have helped raise two awesome humans and several awesome furry critters over the years. Sadly, I recently had to say good-bye to my 15 year old Shih tzu/Bichon mix, Mr. Wrigley, but am still a dog mom to my sweet rescue dog, Tigger. I enjoy hiking, biking and golf in the Alaska summer and escaping the cold as much as possible in the Alaska winter. I was fortunate to become involved with Mojo’s Hope about 5 years ago and have enjoyed volunteering for the organization and getting to know all the amazing animals in the House of Mojo. I strongly believe in the mission of Mojo’s Hope and am very proud and honored to be a part of the Mojo family.

Wrigley: Rest in Love
Nancy Podgorski
Nancy Podgorski teaches high school language arts at a private school near Portland, Oregon.
She and her husband Ed and their two Alaskan Huskies moved to Oregon in 2020 after residing
briefly in Wyoming. Nancy spent fourteen years in Alaska teaching high school language arts. It
was there that she became involved with Mojo’s Hope, an animal rescue that continues to be
near and dear to her heart.