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Current Status of Cat Programs in Alaska


At the present time in Alaska, cat programs such as TNVR are not yet legalized, due to a regulation, through the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. This regulation prohibits the release of cats (along with a lengthy list of other animals) into the wild. 


Mojo’s Hope spearheaded the Cat Program in Alaska movement back in 2014. MH began with a dialogue with our local Anchorage Animal Care & Control in hopes of modifying the Municipal Code Title 17.  It was then that the Board of Game Regulation was brought to our attention, which interrupted our ability to modify Title 17. 


In order to move forward we contacted numerous people, worked with various cat organizations, met with Senator Wielechowski and created our own Cat AdvoCATe group. We were finally directed to the Board of Game (through a different contact) and their proposal process. In May of 2017, Mojo’s Hope and Alaska’s KAAATs submitted our 1st proposal. Public commentary and oral testimonies happened, but unfortunately the Board did not adopt the proposal. However it did open the pathway to awareness about the need to implement various cat programs. The proposal cycle is every 3 years, therefore we submitted an updated 2nd proposal (appendixes and references) on May of 2020. Due to COVID, the meetings to review the proposals have been postponed until March of 2021.  


Here is the link to our partner organization, Alaska's KAAATs Purrls of Wisdom Presentation about

Cat Programs in Alaska

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